The future is bright and we’re glad you are on this ride with us.

We have taken steps to improve our business and our commitment to our clients. Yesterday I hired full time the smartest lady I know to run things. She’s been a driving force behind the scenes for years. Starting today she will have total control of the business side, allowing me more time to do what I excel at- building the rigs you need.

She will be answering your emails and questions, reworking all our social media, and shipping out all your new gear. Starting in the upcoming weeks the new e commerce website will be up and running. It’s nothing short of incredible.

We have partnerships in the works that will streamline our timeline massively decreasing your wait time for a FULLY CUSTOM holster. Buckle up kids, shits about to get crazy.

I’d like to take a moment to say THANK YOU to everyone reading this. Most of you have been with us since the ground floor. We couldn’t do this without you and I appreciate everything. Please take a moment to welcome @downtexasstar to the LEGION family. You will soon be able to reach her at 

#gettingshitdone #legiondefensesolutions #hbic #hmfic #shesbad #andwillcrushyou #futureisbright 

#kydex #customkydex #winordie #workingwithoutanet #customholster #custom #family 

#thankyou #abouttoblowup #jointhelegion #winning #liberty #makeyourownluck #IIATW

-Robert, HMFIC